Full or Part time school from year 7 to 11
Small classes studying a broad balanced curriculum. Our success is achieved by small class sizes in a safe environment where we build trust and the students develop a good self esteem and confidence. We also recruit excellent and well experienced teachers who are passionate about their subjects and are able to positively impact the students.
Alternative Education

Online Tuition
Via: Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, Facetime etc
- Choose the platform of your choice
- Flexible times available with tutor
- Parent/adult should be present when a child is being tutored
- All tutors are qualified and experienced in their subject area and tutor the students to achieve high standards
Tuition Fees from £25/hour agreed prior to commencement of sessions and monthly or termly payments due in advance.
Tuition and Private Tuition
- Maths
- English Language
- English Literature
- Science
- Bookkeeping and Accounts
- Other academic subjects

11 + Preparation
Tuition for students in years 4 & 5 for 11 plus exams.
These highly competitive exams are for children attempting to gain entrance into various Independent and Grammar Schools.
• Maths
• English
• Verbal reasoning
• Non-verbal reasoning
• How to work quickly and accurately
• How to find and follow patterns and rules
• How to process graphical and pictorial information
• Essay writing
• Reading and comprehension
• Multiple choice questions and many more techniques.
We test to assess, teach to progress and test to improve.
Do you need to excel in your academic studies?
Blessed Ltd Saturday School offers the following education programmes:
• Help with home work
• Entrance exams
• 11+
• GCSEs (can also take early GCSEs)
• AS and A levels
• KS1 - KS4
Curriculum, Prospectus and Policies
Curriculum for Years 7 to 11
Other policies available on request:
- Anti-Bullying
- Appraisal
- Attendance
- Behaviour
- Child Protection
- Complaints & Compliments
- Curriculum
- Data Protection
- Equality, Race & Diversity
- E-Safety guidelines
- Exclusion
- First Aid
- Health & Safety + addendum
- Lone teaching
- Marking
- Observation of lessons
- Preventing Radicalism & Extremism
- Risk Assessments
- Safeguarding Children
- Safer Recruitment
- Security & Safety
Students from Year 9 onwards can attend Merton Youth Parliament monthly meetings and take part in mock trials at the Crown Court. Contact made with Ms Sarah Safo of Merton Youth Parliament (Ph: 020 8274 4959; email: sarah.safo@merton.gov.uk)
- Bitesize
- www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/z3kw2hv - Interactive Resources
- www.channel4learning.com/support/websites/english.html - Teen Reads
- www.teenreads.com
- English Bitesize
- www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zr9d7ty - English Literature Bitesize
- www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zckw2hv - Year 11 Revision Blog
- www.missryansgcseenglish.wordpress.com/
Throughout the year we try to have guest lecturers to come into class and provide an insight into working in the health and social care sector. The students were also able to visit local Health and Social Care providers including a care home and a local nursery which enabled them to complete their controlled assessments. We will also invite visitors into lessons including pharmacists, care workers, midwife etc. and also people who deliver apprenticeship talks.
- Who wants to be a millionaire?
- www.mathsisfun.com/games/mathionaire-general-math-quiz.html
- Wildlife area development
- visit to Deen City Farm - Science Museum
- Museum of Wimbledon
- Visit a recycling site
Abbey mills- http://www.mertonabbeymills.org.uk/ - History & Geography museum
Wandle River and Valley Park where they are encouraged to observe human and natural features of the park and consider the benefits of the area socially, economically and environmentally. - PE - Visits to the local YMCA gym

Careers and future progression talks
CV writing; job search; work placements; volunteering, college and sixth form visits and interviews.